Exciting job opportunities in Mozambique with NVE
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) has two exciting positions in Mozambique. Both the positions is for one year, with the possibility of extanding for 1+1 years.
The positions
Resident Legal Adviser
In the context of the ongoing institutional cooperation between the Mozambican Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME) and the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), we hereby advertise a position as Resident Adviser for the component Legal Framework.
In the context of the component Legal Framework, MIREME and NVE will contract a Resident Adviser with duty station in Maputo. The position is for one year, with the possibility of extending for 1 + 1 years. Some travel in the country and region should be expected.
The Resident Adviser will be formally employed by NVE but will be working in the offices of MIREME in Maputo, reporting to the National Energy Directorate (DNE).
Resident Adviser ARENE
In the context of the ongoing institutional cooperation between the Mozambican Autoridade Reguladora de Energia (ARENE) and the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), we hereby advertise a position as Resident Adviser for the component Strategic Advice to ARENE’s Management.
In the context of the component Strategic Advice to ARENE Management, ARENE and NVE will contract a Resident Adviser with duty station in Maputo. The position is for one year, with the possibility of extending for 1 + 1 years. Some travel in the country and region should be expected. It is desirable that the successful candidate takes up position as soon as possible.
The Resident Adviser will be formally employed by NVE but will be working in the offices of ARENE in Maputo, reporting to the Board of Directors in ARENE.
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About NVE
Established in 1921, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate is a directorate under the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and is responsible for the management of Norway’s water and energy resources. Our mandate is to ensure an integrated and environmentally sound management of the country’s water resources, promote efficient energy markets and cost-effective energy systems and contribute to the economic utilization of energy. We are Norway’s national centre of expertise for hydrology, and play a central role in national flood contingency planning. NVE also has the overall responsibility for maintaining national power supplies. NVE is based in Oslo, has five regional offices in Norway and a total of 600 employees.
Contact our consultant
Bettina Bækkevold
+47 900 93 591
[email protected]